Attention Aspiring Conscious Entrepreneurs! This FREE 1.5-Hour Exclusive Webinar Reveals…

How To Rapidly Prototype Your Dream Business, Harnessing your Unique Gifts for Positive Impact

Without getting bogged down by the intricacies of entrepreneurship, sacrificing your financial abundance, or walking the path alone.

Date: Oct 11th, 2023 | Time: 8:00-9:30 PM Canada/Eastern

Join us for this LIVE Webinar…

And learn how you can Infuse your life's purpose into a pioneering business that not only elevates your spirit but ripples positive change across the globe!

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In This FREE Webinar…

You Will Learn...

Remember, you can and I’ll show you exactly how to do it in this Webinar.

Who This Webinar Is Really For

This is For YOU if…

  • If YOU feel a daily void of being uninspired and unfulfilled, sensing a deep desire to make an impact but feel stuck.
  • If YOU have looming fears of being replaced by automation, and are looking to harness AI as a powerful ally.
  • If YOU resonate with the emerging shift in consciousness across the globe and are eager to be at the forefront, leading with purpose.

This is NOT For YOU if..

  • If YOU are content being a spectator while the world is in dire need of conscious leaders and change-makers.
  • If YOU believe that business should only be about the bottom line, without caring for the bigger picture or the collective well-being.
  • If YOU are resistant to evolution and would rather stick to the old paradigm that’s perpetuating your stagnation and accelerating our planet’s demise.

If you’re ready to take things to the next level and learn how you can Infuse your life's purpose into a pioneering business that not only elevates your spirit but ripples positive change across the globe!, then you get to be in this FREE Webinar!

An Important Message From Your Instructor, Peter Oppermann...

I'm Taking Years Of Experience & Giving You My Exact Blueprint ToRapidly Prototype Your Dream Business, Harnessing your Unique Gifts for Positive Impact

"I was once a disillusioned engineer in Germany, feeling lost and disconnected from my purpose. Now, as the leader of the Future Self Institute, I've empowered over 10,000 souls worldwide, reconnecting them with their true potential and vision"

Hey there,

My name is Peter Oppermann and I don't say the above to brag, but to show you that I've been where you are my friend.

I know what it feels like to not be able to Break Free from Unfulfilling Work and Live a Life of Meaning, Impact, and Passion…

And after years of dealing with that…

I figured out the secret that changed everything for me…

To the point that today…

✅ I've reshaped the lives of 10,000+ individuals from 25 countries with my Future Self Method, offering them the tools to unlock their boundless potential.…

✅ I founded 'Karmabuilders' in the Bronx, a transformative social enterprise dedicated to rehabilitating ex-prisoners through mindfulness and essential job skills.…

✅ I established the Future Self Institute in Los Angeles, drawing from a rich tapestry of disciplines, from neuroscience to quantum physics, to craft holistic personal growth experiences.…

And I’m inviting YOU and a group of amazing people to join me in this FREE 1.5-Hour Webinar to learn exactly how I got here…

And how YOU can too!

Peter Oppermann

Peter Oppermann is a pioneering regenerative entrepreneur who began his journey as a mechanical engineer in Germany, inspired by the potential of technology to elevate humanity. However, his deeper calling steered him towards the establishment of 'Karmabuilders' in the Bronx, a transformative initiative focused on rehabilitating ex-prisoners through mindfulness and employability skills.

After dedicating two decades to learning under the guidance of globally renowned transformational mentors, he birthed the Future Self Institute in Los Angeles. Peter's groundbreaking Future Self Method, weaving together neuroscience, quantum physics, and ancient wisdom, has transformed the lives of over 10,000 individuals across 25 countries.

Committed to facilitating global personal growth, Peter offers workshops, digital courses, and individualized coaching, aiding individuals in unlocking the immense potential of their future selves. As he transitions between California, Costa Rica, and Europe, Peter's steadfast mission persists: empowering conscious entrepreneurs to manifest their aspirations for a more sustainable and compassionate world.

Testimonials From Aspiring Conscious Entrepreneurs Just Like YOU ...

Hear What They Have To Say

The Futurepreneur Program is the most beneficial and unique business development program I’ve ever taken.
Cindy Vaughan | Owner of Vaughan Music Studios
The Futurpreneur Program was a catalyst for the inception of my regenerative venture.
Emil DeFrancesco | Founder of 72hr Breakthrough
I recommend this program to anyone who has a big entrepreneurial dream.
Marie Bodine | Founder of Inner Peace Portal
This is the first course where I actually completed my dream, and I’m a bit of a course junkie, so that’s saying a lot. I wanted the support and guidance to take my idea and bring it into a living form, without feeling like I was all by myself. The way that the course is structured and organized, the kinds of participants that are attracted to Futurepreneur are incredible people, and the teachers and mentors in their zone of genius lead to me having a landing page, an offering, and a business. My vision and my dream are actually brought to life.
Natasha Dreamseer | Founder of Dreamseer Collective
Working with Peter's guidance helped me bring the next iteration of my business to life. Through a unique blend of 5D/Consciousness work, cutting edge AI tools and tangible brand building action steps, I was able to take a loose vision and turn it into a working prototype that has already started to generate additional income aligned with my passions and purpose.
Theo Zgraggen | Founder of Live Your Art